Business development in specialty plant nutrition

The right fertilization, applied with the right fertilizers, contributes to optimal efficiency and minimal leaching of nutrients into the environment. For sustainable and future-proof agriculture and horticulture, optimisation of fertilisation is one of the key factors.

And that is exactly what HSPN Consulting stands for. With our knowledge and experience, we contribute to the optimisation of plant nutrition in the service of water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers and distributors. At every stage: from the scientific underpinning to the commercial roll-out. Where and when you get in is up to you.

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Specialty plant nutrition

In the world of precision agriculture, water-soluble fertilizers are crucial for any crop. Despite existing knowledge, new scientific insights are constantly leading to innovations.

Water-soluble plant nutrition consists of many straight fertilizers and their combinations in compound fertilizers. Innovative products are still being added. Optimization of fertilization in fertigation and foliar spraying is not only essential for yield and quality, but also for cost efficiency and the environment. HSPN Consulting, with over 30 years of experience, supports companies in developing strong business cases in water-soluble fertilizers.

Read more about water-soluble fertilizers


HSPN Consulting stems from the needs and wishes of both the plant and the customer. This starts with a thorough agronomic underpinning and study of the market, followed by smart marketing and clear communication in order to finally come up with a successful business case. From clearly formulating the problem to finding the best solution.

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Thorough research is at the heart of successful market and product development. Cases from practice are highlighted in a series of blogs on SPN business growth strategies and marketing materials.

Over the past 30 years, Harmen Tjalling Holwerda, founder of HSPN Consulting, has produced a series of publications together with colleagues. In blogs, he shares his experiences in developing successful business growth strategies for water-soluble fertilizers based on scientific research. He also writes blogs about his published marketing materials, such as handbooks and videos on plant nutrition and fertilization.