Manuals on tomato and pepper fertilization and fertigation

Much had already been written about plant nutrition and fertilization of traditional agricultural crops, but almost nothing about fertigated fruit and vegetable crops, both grown in greenhouses and in the open air, while in practice there was a lot of demand for this.

That is why I started a project with colleagues to write a number of crop-specific fertilization manuals on the correct use of water-soluble fertilizers, applied in fertigation.

Crop-specific nutrient management manuals available in several languages

These have been published in several languages, such as English, Spanish, Mandarin, Russian and/or Arabic.

From nutrients and fertilizers to effective fertilization programs

Each manual describes, depending on the cultivation goal, an ideal fertilization program that leads to maximum yield and/or fruit quality, and thus to the highest income for the grower.

This is done on the basis of a logical structure of the content including:

Finally, each manual ends with a discussion of some scientific and demonstration trials, which show the economic advantage of an ideal fertilization program compared to standard practice. 

Manual on Capsicum pepper.


  1. Manual nutrient management in tomato
  2. Manual nutrient management in Capsicum pepper

Looking for support?

Are you looking for support in creating effective marketing materials for one or more new water-soluble fertilizers?  Please contact Harmen Tjalling Holwerda of HSPN Consulting.
