Manual nutrient solutions for greenhouse crops

The most recent available information on nutrient solutions for greenhouse crops dates back to 1999 and was only available in Dutch. Therefore, representatives of the main players in the fertilizer industry decided to join forces and create an up-to-date manual on nutrient solutions for greenhouse crops in English.

Manual nutrient solutions for greenhouse crops

This manual describes nutrient solutions for greenhouse crops, which are grown in greenhouses and urban farming systems.

Manual nutrient solutions for greenhouse crops.

Fertilization recommendations for the most common growing media

Different recommendations are made for these crops grown in soil, as potted plants, or in hydroponic systems using an inert growing medium (e.g., rockwool or pumice) or an organic growing medium (e.g., peat or coir).

From nutrient solution to dosages with water-soluble fertilizers

This manual provides information on best practices for the application of nutrient solutions. An example shows how the composition of a nutrient solution can be calculated using commonly available water-soluble fertilizers.


Looking for support?

Are you looking for support in creating effective marketing materials for one or more new water-soluble fertilizers?  Please contact Harmen Tjalling Holwerda of HSPN Consulting.
