E-course crop advisor: potassium nitrate against plant stress

In the USA alone, there are thousands of crop advisors, who have an important say in the final choice of fertilizers applied by farmers and growers.

Around 2010, potassium nitrate was still little known among crop advisors. Educating crop advisors about the benefits of using potassium nitrate in fertilization programs could certainly increase the market for potassium nitrate.

The big question was how I could reach them in an effective and efficient way without having to speak to each crop advisor individually. Read my answer to that question below.

Annual refresher training mandatory in order not to lose accreditation as a crop advisor

In the USA, crop advisors must complete a minimum number of credits annually in order not to lose their accreditation.

One way to earn credits was by attending conferences. For this, they were often away from home for a few days. Later, the crop advisors could also earn credits if they successfully completed an online course. These online courses could easily be done at home, hence they were in high demand.

Increasing demand for online courses led to an accredited course on potassium nitrate against plant stress

To keep up with this trend of continuing education, a colleague and I developed an online course on potassium nitrate as a specialty plant nutrition product that protects against pathogens and stress in plants. This course was then approved by the relevant authorities so that crop advisors could earn credits after successfully completing this course to maintain their accreditation.

Website with the online course entitled: “Utilizing Potassium Nitrate as a Specialty Plant Nutritional Product that Protects Against Disease Organisms and Plant Stresses/Principles of IPM”.

Online course on potassium nitrate against plant stress reaches thousands of crop advisors

This set-up provided the opportunity to reach out to thousands of crop advisors and teach them about the benefits of potassium nitrate against plant stress. A number that could never have been reached by meeting all these crop advisors in person.

Setting up an online course for crop advisors led to a larger market for potassium nitrate

The main conclusion was that setting up an online course proved to be a very successful and cost-effective way to introduce potassium nitrate to the important target group of influential crop advisors, who are in direct contact with the end users of this water-soluble fertilizer. This online course has definitely helped to increase the market for potassium nitrate.



Looking for support?

Are you looking for support in creating effective marketing materials for one or more new water-soluble fertilizers?  Please contact Harmen Tjalling Holwerda of HSPN Consulting.
