Business development

The supply of water-soluble fertilizers and their combinations seems to be endless. In that field alone, there is a lot to choose from for farmers and growers. In addition, new products are constantly being developed based on scientific insights. As a manufacturer or distributor, how do you ensure that the right products reach the end user (the grower) with the right advice? In short, how do you generate success with your offer?

Plant and customer
HSPN Consulting stems from the needs and desires of both the plant and the client. This starts with a thorough agronomic foundation and study of the market, followed by smart marketing and clear communication in order to ultimately arrive at a successful business case. From clearly formulating the problem to finding the best solution.

Facts over opinions
Does this mean starting at the basics? No, on the contrary. HSPN Consulting thinks and works on the basis of the existing expertise and knowledge of fertilizers and plant nutrition. Facts over opinions. From science to practice. Scientific research to close “knowledge gaps” and provide unique selling points and competitive advantages to support the sale of certain fertilizers.

Knowledge must be shared! That is why scientific trials are published in peer-reviewed journals, presented at international conferences and incorporated into training courses for distributors.

The three pillars of HSPN Consulting

From science to practice. That’s what HSPN Consulting stands for. The elaboration of this is worked out in three steps. The three pillars of HSPN Consulting.

1) Scientific analysis
A solid scientific foundation supplemented with controlled trials form an essential basis for a successful business case. Perhaps a lot of data is already available and you would like a thorough analysis to determine the chances of success? It could also be that you are specifically looking for further scientific substantiation of your product before taking (costly) follow-up steps? In both cases, HSPN Consulting is ready to assist you.

2) Knowledge transfer
Knowledge transfer is of paramount importance when it comes to market introductions within B2B marketing. Agronomists and cultivation specialists have an important role to play in this. They need to be convinced of the added value of new products or concepts. In other words: science must be brought to the market via a product. HSPN Consulting offers broad support in this regard. In various forms: think of defining successful product-market combinations, (helping in) giving lectures and training technical-commercial employees.

Even participation or support in the organization of an international conference is possible. Whatever forms of knowledge transfer are used. The goal is always to bring the right information to the right decision-makers and convince them of the added value.

3) Marketing & Communications materials
Of course, the development of marketing and communication materials is primarily the responsibility of specialised parties. The bottleneck is that these parties often lack specialist knowledge of plant nutrition and fertilization. And that is why HSPN Consulting offers support with the development of communication tools. Think of information leaflets, handbooks or content for the website. But also, for example, coming up with good video content that can be used during presentations or via one’s own online channels, or material for the press. For the creative elaboration, it is possible to work together with your ‘own’ communication agency or with a cooperation partner of HSPN Consulting.