SPECIALTY plant nutrition

In precision agriculture, such as fertigation and foliar feeding, water-soluble fertilizers are essential for every crop.

There is an enormous amount of knowledge in the field of plant nutrition and available water-soluble fertilizers. Nevertheless, new scientific insights are regularly emerging that lead to innovations and new products.

Wide range of water-soluble fertilizers
Water-soluble fertilizers can be produced both single and compound, and as macro- and micronutrients. Application can be done via fertigation (in greenhouses and outdoor crops) but also as foliar feeding or field application. This wide range of possibilities means that knowledge about plant nutrition continues to make progress.

Plant nutrition, applied in the wrong amount, or with the wrong fertilizer and nutrient balance, or at the wrong time, is at the expense of yield and quality of the harvested product.  Optimal fertilization is not only important with a view to achieving a high yield and quality, but also with an eye on costs and the environment. Excess fertilization is not or insufficiently used by the plant. And due to emissions through the soil, applied fertilizers can have harmful effects on the environment.

Science and experience
It should be clear that there is a lot to be gained from well-dosed plant nutrition. And that is exactly the area in which HSPN Consulting operates. From a scientific perspective and with a lot of experience, HSPN Consulting supports water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers and distributors with the development of strong business cases in the field of plant nutrition. With over 30 years of experience and a large knowledge network, we offer support in both product development and marketing. You can read more about our approach in the Business development section.


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