Videos on benefits potassium nitrate vs other N-K fertilizers

In addition to the use of written media, such as books and PowerPoint presentations, videos also offer the opportunity to dynamically share knowledge about the importance of potassium nitrate in fertigation programs. In 4 short videos, I explain the main advantages of potassium nitrate over alternative N and K fertilizers on plant growth and development.

1. Advantages of potassium nitrate over potassium chloride plus urea or ammonium sulphate

Part 1 describes the substitution of potassium chloride and urea or ammonium sulphate by potassium nitrate as an alternative N and K source. This prevents an excess of chloride in the root environment of the plant, which is important for crops that are sensitive to too much chloride or salt stress.

Video nr 1 out of 4 on the main benefits of potassium nitrate over alternative N and K fertilizers on plant growth and development.

2. Advantages of potassium nitrate over potassium sulphate plus urea or ammonium sulphate

Part 2 explains the main differences between the combination of potassium sulphate (SOP) and urea or ammonium sulphate on the one hand, and potassium nitrate as an alternative N and K source on the other. It shows their differences with respect to maximum solubility and electrical conductivity (EC) in water.

3. Advantages of nitrate nitrogen over ammonium and urea

Part 3 focuses on the differences in nitrogen form, which arise from the choice of the combination of potassium chloride or potassium sulphate with urea and ammonium sulphate on the one hand or potassium nitrate on the other. In other words, amide nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen versus nitrate nitrogen. The consequences for the plant of the choice of one of these nitrogen forms are discussed.

4. Effect of the choice of nitrogen form on the plant according to the growing conditions

Part 4 describes in more detail how the choice of nitrogen form is partly determined by plant physiological conditions and salt sensitivity of the plant. Furthermore, the consequences for the plant are shown with regard to salt sensitivity and efficiency in water consumption.


Looking for support?

Are you looking for support in creating effective marketing materials for one or more new water-soluble fertilizers?  Please contact Harmen Tjalling Holwerda of HSPN Consulting.
